The state-of-the-art high-rise hospital comprises 11 stories above grade, two stories of basement support, and a parking garage. A key driver for the project was the owner’s vision and our focus on the human experience. The design delivers on this vision with an uplifting and collaborative care environment, accented by an abundance of natural light and views to the building’s surroundings.

In a multistory facility, patient transport can become a clinical and operational obstacle to staff efficiency and treatment scheduling. Our design incorporates general therapy gyms on each floor while locating specialty gyms on the lower floors to minimize vertical patient transport. The patient floors and adjoining gyms are organized by patient needs, such as spinal-cord injury, stroke, cardiac care and orthopedics. The first and second floors (the clinical podium) consist of specialty therapy gyms, a therapy garden, aquatic therapy, a prosthetics lab, speech therapy, and research and specialty clinics—all in support of a comprehensive and patient-centered approach to rehab care.