A Wide Reach
Gresham Smith’s Western Region SigOps contract with GDOT includes signals in Cobb, Clayton, Douglas and Fulton counties, and encompasses approximately 1,700 traffic signals within the project footprint. As part of an integrated team, our signal technicians and engineers analyzed traffic patterns and made adjustments to traffic signal operations to improve traffic flow and safety.

Always On
When you’re a signal technician, every day is different. That’s why we developed our monitoring environment using Microsoft Teams and PowerBI, which allowed us to track areas of concern and quickly communicate issues and our response to our clients. In addition, every quarter, we reported on a variety of performance metrics, such as arrivals on green and detection uptime to focus our resources where we can make the most impact. The end result for motorists? A smoother trip!

Utilizing the Toolbox
Because of the sheer breadth and scale of the traffic signals covered, our team leveraged GDOT’s signal toolbox, which includes state-of-the-practice signal performance monitoring that enables remote signal management and provides alerts if operational issues are detected. These operational issues can be critical in nature, such as an error in a signal controller where it’s no longer running its normal timing plan of green, yellow, red.

Boots on the Ground
We also supported GDOT and our local agency partners with developing a workforce of the future, which includes training and advancing event management practices along these corridors.
Coupled with the use of existing and emerging technology, our boots-on-the-ground presence helped make travel safer and more efficient in the Metro Atlanta area—whether it’s during rush hour, a major planned sporting event or an unexpected traffic incident.