Working Hand in Hand
Gresham Smith’s on-call team works collaboratively with County operations and maintenance personnel to identify work order goals, investigate equipment and process issues, and define the scope of work to initiate a work order for GCDWR’s assignment to an on-call construction contractor.
We continue to provide project management and engineering services during the work order execution phase by monitoring a project’s scope, schedule, cost and quality. Additionally, we collaborate with WRC staff to minimize and oftentimes eliminate impacts to plant operations. We also work with GCDWR leadership to obtain the timely approvals needed to maintain the project schedule and resolve any issues that arise during construction.

Early Implementation & Execution
The nature of these emergency and urgent projects typically requires immediate action leading to the early execution of the work—in some cases, before all the details of the issues are fully realized. In these cases, Gresham Smith works as a collaborative partner with GCDWR stakeholders and other on-call consultants through a progressive scope development process involving additional investigations and assessments to further refine the scope of work as more details become available.
This process results in early implementation and execution to address emergency and urgent needs at F. Wayne Hill WRC, while continuing to focus on any root-cause problems through future capital improvement projects.