Understanding Current Conditions
The first phase of the project, which is currently underway, focuses on collecting and analyzing data and engaging with the public to understand the current state of the Broadway corridor. Using a custom application, the Gresham Smith team has already collected more than 2,500 unique data points from the project site, including metrics related to accessibility, vacant properties, transit stops and lighting.

Developing Design Options
During the second phase of the project Gresham Smith developed a variety of design strategies to address the corridor’s needs. Each design solution are specific to the surrounding context and community, as well as responsive to current trends in transportation and land use. The project team considered design features such as dedicated lanes for transit, smart transit stops based on real-time information, ecological design that improves air quality and reduces the heat island effect, and public art installations that create a sense of place.

One Final Vision
During the third and final phase of the master planning process, Gresham Smith delivered a final vision for the Broadway corridor. The design is grounded in the community priorities identified during phase one and will recommend short-term, mid-term and long-term improvements. The finished master plan’s cutting-edge design strategies enabled the City of Louisville to compete on a national stage for federal funding to implement the improvement projects, including a $5 million grant from The RAISE (Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity) program.