Gresham Smith is proud to announce that the firm is designing several wastewater, stormwater and environmental laboratory projects in Texas. Currently in various stages of design, the projects will support the continued growth and development in the Greater Dallas area when complete.
The projects include:
- Trinity River Authority Ten Mile Creek Regional Wastewater System Coarse Screen Improvements – Gresham Smith is implementing a coarse screening facility upstream of the existing fine screens at the 24-MGD treatment plant. As part of the preliminary design, the project team conducted a technology evaluation, analyzed influent hydraulics with hydrodynamic modeling software, and coordinated workshops with TRA stakeholders to shape the solution. The upgraded screens will be designed to enhance large debris removal to protect downstream equipment and provide flexibility for future expansion.
- Trinity River Authority Central Regional Wastewater System Environmental Lab Complex Program Management – Gresham Smith is also working on the preliminary and final design for Trinity River Authority’s new environmental lab complex, which will offer office and laboratory space for TRA Laboratory and Environmental Services Departments, a safety training facility, a customer conference/training room, and material storage. The project team developed an extensive conceptual design that included analyzing workflows to inform space planning, with the goal of enhancing efficiency and promoting collaboration among staff when sampling and studying drinking water, wastewater and solid constituents.
- City of Dallas Large Diameter Pipeline Upgrade – Gresham Smith is designing a replacement to the 1950s-era sewer system located in south Dallas’ Five Mile Creek sewershed. The solution will upsize more than 26,000 linear feet of sewer running between I-35 and I-45 from 60 inches in diameter to 72 inches, while also creatively navigating nearby high voltage towers, an abandoned plating facility, and parks and trails.
- City of Dallas Erosion Control and Drainage Improvements – Gresham Smith is currently designing measures to stabilize and protect existing stream banks from further erosion throughout the city. This project continues Gresham Smith’s partnership with Dallas Water Utilities on erosion control and drainage projects, which support the City’s climate adaptation and resilience goals and protect properties with sustainable solutions.
- City of Burleson Streambank Stabilization – The firm is engineering a solution to stabilize the 400-linear-foot streambank along the sound bank of Little Booger Creek. Additionally, the team is evaluating and advising the City on potentially converting the existing low water crossing at Southeast Tarrant Avenue to an elevated roadway with a culvert, using a hydraulic analysis to inform the design.
- Brazos River Authority Environmental Services Building – To accommodate growing staff and sampling requirements, Gresham Smith designed an independent environmental services building to house BRA’s analytical laboratory testing operations. Designed to accommodate separate testing spaces for analyzing VOCs, biological materials and metals, the new facility will enhance workflows when construction is complete in 2025.
“The high-value projects that Gresham Smith is performing around the DFW Metroplex significantly enhances the communities where we live, work, and play,” said Gresham Smith Vice President Tim O’Brien, P.E. “We’re proud to partner with our clients to continue to make smart, sustainable, long-lasting infrastructure investments.”