Name: Morgan Dunay
Current Title: Landscape Designer
Office Location: Louisville, KY
Years at Gresham Smith: 1.5
In honor of this year’s American Society of Landscape Architects annual conference, we’re introducing you to Morgan Dunay, who loves the beauty of the natural world, but ended up designing landscapes with our firm instead. She originally wanted to become a veterinarian, and while her childhood dream may not have become a reality, we think her work is as charming as a litter of puppies.
Where did you grow up?
Grantslick, Kentucky
Where did you go to college?
I earned my bachelor degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Kentucky—go Cats!—and received my master’s degree in Landscape Architecture and Regional and Community Planning from Kansas State University.

What is your favorite project you’ve worked on while at Gresham Smith and why?
The City of Louisville Broadway Corridor plan! All of the complexities with community engagement and the range of ideas regarding multi-modal transportation systems were really interesting to me.
What’s your favorite Gresham Smith memory?
When the Landscape Architecture team got together in Nashville to meet, design, and do team building.
What’s one thing your coworkers might not know about you?
I worked as a horseback trail guide in Rocky Mountain National Park for a summer.

What’s on your bucket list?
I want to drive to all of the lower 48 states in the same road trip.
Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled and why?
The rainforest in Ecuador. The culture and the people were truly wonderful, and the environment is so beautiful.
What are three objects that can always be found on your desk?
A hair scrunchie, black tea, and a sharpie.