
Gresham Smith Selected to Provide Environmental Compliance Support for City of Columbus Department of Public Utilities

Firm Will Continue 16-Year Partnership by Providing On-Call Services to Add Value and Facilitate Compliance

Gresham Smith is proud to announce that the City of Columbus Department of Public Utilities (DPU) has selected the firm to provide on-call environmental compliance assistance. The firm has supported DPU’s environmental programs since 2006, finding new ways to add value and facilitate environmental regulatory compliance.

Under the latest contract, Gresham Smith will conduct internal audits of DPU facilities to confirm conformance with the Environmental Management System (EMS), the ISO 14001:2015 standard, and applicable federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations. The firm will also function as an extension of DPU staff and update EMS documents and records and develop training materials. Additionally, Gresham Smith will assist DPU in maintaining its various facility air emissions inventories, spill prevention, control and countermeasures (SPCC) plans, and stormwater pollution prevention plans.

In 2008, Gresham Smith helped DPU develop and implement the EMS, and in 2012 the firm assisted the organization in becoming the first public utility in Ohio to obtain ISO 14001 third-party certification. Prior to the EMS, the firm audited over 100 DPU facilities to establish a compliance baseline, and followed up with the creation of compliance management plans that outline DPU’s regulatory obligations.